Detail of natural relief sculpturing by weathering on an intertidal rocky outcrop of sedimentary strata

Gosker Rock Patterns & Textures 7

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Gosker Rock Patterns & Textures 7 Detail of the texture, colour, and pattern on an intertidal rocky outcrop of Carboniferous Era sandstones and siltstones on a low tide sandy beach where it is weathered by the elements to form low relief sculptural forms.

8 Replies to “Gosker Rock Patterns & Textures 7”

  1. I was absolutely intrigued by these erosional features in themselves but also very curious about the geological processes back millions of years ago that had resulted in rock strata with such variable hardness. I wonder what actually went on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just wish I was able to understand and visualise it all in some way. I have got the books but it all seems so complicated that I only retain vague impressions. I should have paid more attention when I did a year of geology back in the 60’s.


  3. Poorly? Surely not! You must still have knowledge of chemistry that is useful and that most people lack, and would no doubt help in understanding the way these old rocks formed.


  4. Oops. I must have misled you and misunderstood you. You must mean a whole year of nothing but geology; I mean that I took two semesters (a year) of chemistry at university. My poor performance was most distressing because I had thought I wanted to become a chemist, having loved my high-school chemistry class. Still, I remember a few useless things, such as that amyl acetate is the ester prominent in bananas. But, now that I think about it, I think I learned that in high school.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Still, both of us seem to be people who are open to continually learning all sorts of new and fascinating things as we go along – and that is a good thing.


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