The Shore Below the New Sea Wall (Part 3)

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When I visited this place in the late spring, there was no layer of sand or any piles of algae to hide the surface of the limestone pavement. It was possible to look at all the nooks, crannies, and surfaces being colonised by the seashore creatures and seaweeds. Looking at the wider view of the flat rock surface, it was possible to make out evidence for a variety of natural processes that are weathering and wearing the surface and gradually eroding it. They include physical breakage which is facilitated by the natural fracturing in the rock; chemical erosion where acid water is dissolving the limestone; and bio-erosion where the activities of various organisms on the beach gradually lower the surface and create shallow depressions (limpets scraping for food, marine worms burrowing by dissolving the rock, and larger bivalve molluscs excavating tunnels by grinding the stone away with their rough shells).

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